Professional Animation Master

Aka PAM - what does it do? well the clue is in the name really, and what a name it is! Inspired by the likes of the Codemasters 'Professional BMX Simulator' - with a master on the end just to be sure!

The disk menu, other menus can be selected by clicking one of the icons in the bottom row

PAM is an animation studio. It allows you to create animations, with the idea that a few of them could be strung together into a short movie. I was then going to provide some source code that could be merged into other STOS programs, allowing the use of animations in say a game.

I got the idea to make this after watching Akira on t.v. - the first Anime (Manga) film I ever saw!

The concept was simple - use a picture for a background, select various blocks in other pictures to define 'objects' (which could be animated), and place these object around the scene, in different positions on different frames, thus creating animation.

A single frame from the Viper animation - the helicopter has just emerged from behind a mountain.

I only ever created one decent animation, and that was half-assed. It was for my Viper game, and featured an attack helicopter appearing from behind some mountains (with some crude lens flare effect!), sneaking up on some enemy tanks, and firing some missiles at them. Like most of my projects, I didnt even finish this, so you dont get to see the tanks explode, but at least you get a good idea of what the program can do.

In fact if anyone can tell me how to create a video from an ST emulator, that would be grand!

More Screenshots

  • The lens flare in all its glory

  • Loading screen

  • Another menu - they all look fairly similar

  • Another frame from the animation


PAM.ST (720KB)


Available on request (too lazy to write them otherwise!)